Search Engine Optimization is aimed at the highest possible score in the search engines. In this context, content optimization guidelines on writing and structuring of the web content with the aim as high as possible be displayed in the organic search results.
Make sure you optimize every page on its own set of keywords in your keyword list. So watch what pages from your site suitable for the optimization of the keywords. In order to adhere with SEO rules it is important to make sure that the your main keywords appear in the content of the pages, title tags, keywords meta tags and description meta tags. Not once but several times, including in the headings and titles of the page. Ideally, assign a keyword-combination to a page, but with overlapping keywords, you can perhaps get more keyword combination to one page.
For the keywords that you can not assign to an existing page, you create a new page with text around the keyword. The optimized pages will serve as a go-what-called 'landing page' for the keyword: visitors go to that page after entering the keyword in the search engine used.
Now that you know which pages on which keywords you will optimize the way the optimization can actually be implemented. The question is: what exactly can we do to our site to attract not only our visitors but also for search engine spiders? In other words, where do these spiders, how we obtain a high position in search engines on the keywords...
Tip: Focus on content: search engines love text
Ensure that your tags and keywords are available in your site content, especially in the first paragraph. Text in images or other graphical elements (such as Flash) are invisible to search engines.
Tip: Place search engine unnecessary things (such as style sheets) in separate files
The main keywords should be included as much as possible in the beginning of the page (i.e. as close as possible to the tag), it is useful to make sure that style sheets and JavaScript codes are in external files. This makes the text on the page that remains transparent and interesting for the spider.
This is regarding the content of the page. But a website is more than content, it is composed of html (or xhtml)-elements, tags. Followings are some tips.
Tip: Make good use of html tags
Tags are special html code for your page design and to describe meta-level what the page is about.
An HTML tag that you can use the H1 and H2 tags. The text in these tags is highly valued by search engines. Also bold text and sometimes italic text are highly appreciated by a spider. Please note that you can't fill your page with such elements. It must remain a beautiful page for your visitors to flesh and blood.
Don't use any html button in your page.
It is highly recommended to use images in the site, such as logo, your keywords in the alt tag as well. The text that is entered is visible in the browser when you move mouse over the image. It is generally assumed that spiders see the content of these tags as a kind of anchor-text. Make the alt tags not more than five words.
Title and Meta tags
In the section of an html page you specify the tags. With these tags the robots can explain where your page is about. In addition to the title tag, there are two meta tags of particular interest: the description and keywords tag. The keywords should naturally optimize all three tags to process. The most important tag is title tag.
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