
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

8 Google Analytics You Should Not Ignore

There are so many ways that Google continues to improve the services and tools for your SEO and website performance. Here are 8 GA4 - features that will transform your analyzing and optimizing success.

GA4 google analytics 8 tools to incorporate for your success

8 Google Analytics 4 Features That Leave Universal Analytics in the Dust By Stephanie Petrusha

"Must-know GA4 features that will transform the way you analyze and optimize your online presence.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Marketing Trends Vital for Success in 2023 - Forbes Magazine

2023 Marketing Trends for Success by Michael Plummer article

Forbes magazine recently published an article on some of the essential tools and tips for marketing in 2023. Marketing is so different today than even 5 years ago...times have changed month after month, let alone year after year. Staying informed about new technologies, strategies, and tools will increase your success by a vast margin, however, if you do not, chances are you will be sliding more and more downhill - backward.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Have You Ever Felt Like You Got Lost In Someone Else's Goals and Life?

Too many times in our lives we become entangled and soooo helpful to others that we stray from our own life.

This is a good thing - to a point!

However, we still need to keep our own personal goals and plans in sight and on track.

It's easy to go off track -

Are you "On Track"?
~ EmJ

Workplace Intimidation is Becoming More and More of an Issue. Take Back Control...Here's How

Relationships in the workplace can be very touchy and intimidating. Ever wonder why some people get along flawlessly and others fight their way through each day? Could your office relationships use improvement, a little or a lot? 

It is estimated that over 48.6 million American employees encounter a variety of experiences and forms of bullying in their working environment.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Connect and Interact With Influential People - 6 Extremely Valuable Techniques

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
~ Jim Rohn

Connecting with influential people is not always easy. Everyone is trying to accomplish just that, so how can you assure your success?

Following are six smart and successful techniques to connect with the people that will influence your life and business.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Amazing Peace in the Slow Motion of the Ocean

Take a couple of minutes - lean back and relax - make it full screen - watch this video. It is a healing unto itself!


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Are You Thinking About Diversifying Your Portfolio By Investing In Foreign Markets? Three Key Elements To Consider.

"Investing in international markets is a great way to diversify your portfolio and to tap into wider, deeper, and more liquid markets than investing only in your domestic market."

Friday, May 18, 2018

Just Starting a Business? Not Sure About Your Pricing? How To Start With Free Services and Snowball Your Income.

Build your business with Free Services

Inc. Magazine has an interesting article with tips for kick-starting your business launch using "Free" services. The concept is very interesting and makes good sense. 

Not only could this be good for a new start-up, it even triggered ideas for some of our business projects. 

When you're just getting started, the best price for your services might be "free." Here's how to start working for nothing and quickly snowball your success.

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