
Friday, July 3, 2015

Mastering Your Facebook Tools

As a Facebook user and marketer, there are several basic tools and shortcuts that are important to utilize to get the most out of your Facebook pages, groups and ads.
Review the following links and learn to manage your Facebook posts, ads, demographics and more.

    Manage and Periodically Review Your Account Settings

Edit Your Follower Settings

Review your follower settings:
  • Make sure that you are allowing followers and see your public updates.
  • Also, the Follow button is a great tool to increase Facebook followers on your website. Plug it into your site.

View Your Messages Inbox

Your Message Inbox goes overlooked. It is good to periodically check for messages:

There is also an "Other" link at the top left of the page. This is set up as your spam folder, however, occasionally, like in email, important message get sent there. There is also your birds-eye view of all your "messages".

View Saved Items

A tool and page that is often unused or forgotten about is the "Saved Page": When you are in your posts you can save videos, events etc. for future reference or use. Periodically review this page to clean out the old and recycle. You saved these for a reason.

Your Activity Log

Review all your activity by adding /allactivity to your main facebook url. Example:[username]/allactivity
There you will see your latest activity on Facebook, items you may need to review, updates you wish to share, every like, comment, etc.

View Your Events

Your Events page: is a log of all you events coming and past including upcoming birthdays. 
There is also a birthdays calendar you can access as well:

Your Groups List

View all your groups and manage them at: You can change notifications, leave groups, edit settings and more. 

Your Interests List

Create your own Interests list, which  avails you to follow public updates of your favorite people, pages and other popular interests.

Facebook Pages

Create a Facebook Page
It is simple to create a new Facebook page for a business, product, book, celebrity etc.
Pick your category and just follow the guides to create your new page.

You Can See All of Your Pages

A handy to view all of the pages you manage or have created is the Pages Bookmarks:
You can also review all the Invitations for you to Like other pages:

Platform Insights Page

Access Apps, Page and Domain Insights
Here you will find links to all your apps, pages and domains.

How to Create an Ad

If you are going to promote with an ad, this is the place to start: Just follow the directions, it is extremely simple.

For Your Ad Campaign - Custom Audiences and Conversion Tracking

Here you manage what you want your custom audience to consist of: Measure your ad's performance with the Conversion tracker for your website to improve your Facebook ad campaigns:

Access Audience Insights

You can also track the demographics etc. with the Audience Insights:

Amazing Tool - Power Editor

The Power Editor gives you access to a master list of posts and ads and the ability to promote, edit, delete and create ads and posts: 

Understand Privacy Policies

It is important to understand the Facebook privacy terms and how Facebook uses your personal data:
Get up to speed on Facebook’s privacy guidelines.


Facebooks Help Center for your questions: and also you can access the Help Community and discuss your questions with others:



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